Application form for Admission to UG (BBA) and Integrated (M.Tech, M.Sc.) Programmes (2025-26) @ VIT Bhopal University
Important Instructions
Stage 1: New User Registration
Enter all the relevant details carefully.
A password will be sent from VIT Bhopal to your registered
mobile no. and email id
All the communications will be sent to your registered email id and mobile no.
Request for change of mobile no. & e-mail id will not be entertained under any circumstances
Stage 2: Confirmation of password
Login to registered users with the email id and password received from VIT Bhopal.
Stage 3: Filling Online application form
Provide all relevant details carefully, before submission.
An application number will be generated after submission.
Refer your application no. for all your future correspondence.
Stage 4: Mode of payment
Online mode through Netbanking / Credit / Debit card. Application Cost (Rs: 600).
Stage 5: Photo & Signature Upload
Photograph Image : Size should be between 10 KB to 200 KB with the dimension of 3.5 CM X 4.5 CM.
Signature Image : Size should be between 10 KB to 200 KB with the dimension of 3.5 CM X 1.5 CM.
Selfie photo is not allowed.
Stage 6: Payment transaction queries
At the time of transaction, if the amount is debited please do not try new application. Please wait for 24hrs and try for the payment once again in the same registered email id.
If the amount is not debited, you can try the payment again.
Sign - In [Registered Users]
Enter the Registered E-mail ID.
New Applicant?
Forgot password?
To know more about B.B.A, Integrated M.Tech & M.Sc Programmes
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